Please see our current policy documents below.
Quality Area 2: Children’s health and safety
2.01 Sleep and Rest
2.02 Nutrition, Oral Health and Active Play Policy
2.03 Sun Protection
2.04 Water Safety
2.05 Administration of First Aid
2.06 Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness
2.07V Dealing with Infectious Diseases
2.08V Dealing with Medical Conditions
2.09 Emergency and Evacuation
2.10 Delivery and Collection of Children
2.11 Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing
2.12 Smoking, Alcohol and Other Drugs
2.13 Road Safety and Safe Transport of Children
2.14 Supervision of Children Policy
2.15 Administration of Medication
2.16 Anaphylaxis and Allergic Reactions
2.17 Asthma Management
2.18V Diabetes
2.19V Epilepsy and Seizures
2.20 Food Safety
2.21 Hygiene
2.22 eSafety for Children
2.23 Mental Health and Wellbeing
2.24V Excursions and Service Events
2.26 Safe Arrival of Children